Ground Perturbation Detection via Lower-Limb Kinematic States During Locomotion
Maria T. Tagliaferri1, Leonardo Campeggi1, Owen N. Beck2, Inseung Kang1
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213 USA (e-mail:
2Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 78712 USA.
Falls during daily ambulation activities are a leading cause of injury in older adults due to delayed physiological responses to disturbances of balance. Lower-limb exoskeletons have the potential to mitigate fall incidents by detecting and reacting to perturbations before the user. Although commonly used, the standard metric for perturbation detection, whole-body angular momentum, is poorly suited for exoskeleton applications due to computational delays and additional tunings. To address this, we developed a novel ground perturbation detector using lower-limb kinematic states during locomotion. To identify perturbations, we tracked deviations in the kinematic states from their nominal steady-state trajectories. Using a data-driven approach, we further optimized our detector with an open-source ground perturbation biomechanics dataset. A pilot experimental validation with five able-bodied subjects demonstrated that our model detected ground perturbations with 97.8% accuracy and only a delay of 23.1% within the gait cycle, outperforming the benchmark by 46.8% in detection accuracy. The results of our study offer exciting promise for our detector and its potential utility to enhance the controllability of robotic assistive exoskeletons.

We developed a lower-limb kinematic state based perturbation detector with potential applications to exoskeleton control for fall prevention applications
Our model tracks 16 kinematic states in a relative coordinate system to detect perturbations. Variance of each state is quantified and then added to a weighted linear sum to produce a single value of stability deviation. This value is compared to a data-driven threshold to identify perturbations to steady state walking. Th performance of this model was compared to a Whole-body angular momentum-based model using metrics of accuracy and delay between perturbation onset and detection.

Kinematic state-based perturbation detection
The relative distance between the body’s COM and each foot was calculated to track the kinematic state. A local coordinate system was established at the estimated midpoint between the feet in the horizontal plane. The COM position was then projected into this coordinate system, with a vector (red dashed lines) tracking the relative distance between the COM and the feet over time.

State variance is quantified by calculating Euclidean distance
between the current state value and the edge of 2 standard deviations from
the mean. The distance, alpha, is scaled to zero if the state lies within the 2 standard deviation band.
We developed our model using an open-source ground perturbation dataset and conducted a pilot experiment to determine model performance and generalizability for 5 able-bodies subjects. Our pilot experiment exposed subjects to trip-like and slip-like perturbations.
Representative demonstration of detection of a trip-like perturbation during pilot experiment

Model performance compared to Whole-Body Angular Momentum baseline model
title={Ground Perturbation Detection via Lower-Limb Kinematic States During Locomotion},
author={Maria T. Tagliaferri and Leonardo Campeggi and Owen N. Beck and Inseung Kang},